How clone business scripts are built?

How clone business scripts are built?

I can easily let you understand about clone scripts through an real time example of Airbnb software

We all know that Airbnb is an online platform where people can list their room property as well users can rent those properties all over the world.

Airbnb’s mass success has triggered many entrepreneurs to start a business like Airbnb in different name in their home town or all over the world. Business people understood very clearly that people are looking for online platform for all kind of day today activities.

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So some of the business people started buying these kind of software scripts from software development company based on their business needs. By and by software companies started developing a product that has all the features available in Airbnb and named it as “clone product”.

Clone product means it is a replica software script of an existing software that runs in the online market successfully. Its kind of a template product of an existing product, people who all are interested in starting a business like Airbnb can buy this clone software and white label their business name and can start their own business. Also they can customize that software as per their business need.

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So its very easy for business people to start their business very fast.

This is how clone products are made and useful for entrepreneurs. Hope you understand.

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