Yeah…Yeahh… Yeahhh…!! It’s time to celebrate Halloween.
Halloween is originated from the word “All hallows” evening Contraction of Hallows’ Eve
Hallow refers “ Consecrate” | Eve refers – “Evening”
The Halloween is the 2nd largest traditional festival in the United states after christmas. This festival is grandly celebrated in many countries like united states, mexico, canada, spain & many more..,
Halloween originated from the antique celtic festival called samhain. The day was believed to be a day of rebirth for the dead, so people dressed up in costumes ward off spirits with more fun. This would celebrate with the honour of the saints and link the spiritual pipeline between heaven and earth during every saint day. Halloween is simply a one day event but it approximately takes two weeks to prepare the outfit. Trick or treat is the funniest moment during this day. On Halloween evening childrens are wear their outfits in scary getup with craved ghost pumpkin heads and knock-knock door of the neighbours, grandparents home, friends,etc., they welcome with halloween chocolates makes the day with more fun. This activity is very popular in U.S and london. This is a most crucial halloween activities.
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