Airbnb clone script


As we all know after Airbnb’s massive success on property rental, many businesses has been started as like Airbnb.

Online property rental business is one of the most popular business in the online market. Hyra(An Airbnb Clone) software script is designed as like how Airbnb is designed. You can see all the features and concepts are same in Airbnb. You just can purchase the software and also can do customization based on your business needs.

Where to buy?

Cron24 is the best place to purchase property rental software. Hyra(An Airbnb Clone) from cron24 is highly customizable and designed with latest technologies.

HYRA (an airbnb clone) is the product from cron24 exclusively designed for online space rental and management. Its “ready to use” model will help you start your business in a single day.

Hyra is highly designed with its very own features, to be unique signature platform for its users..,

1. Social Media and Google signup and login to list and book their properties.

2. User friendly listing creation to list properties.

3. Advanced Search Filter used to pick exact properties in all over the location.

4. Detailed location information with images that help people to choose spaces from handy devices.

5. Multiple day and hourly booking for convenient property booking.

6. Wishlist helps to save favourite properties.

7. icalendar synchronisation for centric calendar.

Like the above more on more features will attract your audience to stay tuned with your platform.