Best Event space booking script


A software script that designed to book and list empty spaces is called as space booking script.

Many of us may think like who will book an empty space?

In the modern world, everything has come in online. Like purchasing, booking, shopping, events, movies, sports.., In the line up of that online renting business is also getting popular and hot business nowadays.

Yes, renting goods, rooms, vehicles, boats, hotels, empty spaces has jumped in the online market. A business software is handling this kind of activities in the name of online renting scripts.

Empty space means not exactly an empty space. It could be an empty room or empty hall, empty lawn, empty ground.., An empty space that can be decorated or enhanced quickly for an occasion, party, music concert, award events, birthday celebration, office meeting, coworking office space will be rented hourly basis. Through that the space owner can get profit.

How space rental is popular?

Recently the outdoor culture is getting popular between people, like doing pre- wedding shoots in outdoor space or having private parties or outdorr music concerts. Also business people would like to rent a space for meeting and coworking spaces.

How Space rental script works?

Cron24 is introducing Hyraspace (An online space rental script) which has 3 type of user logins.

1. Admin(Owner of the platform/website)

2. Host(Owner of the property)

3. Guest(Person who rents the property)

Admin will have the total control of the website. He will have the Admin access to the website, through that he/she can control and design the entire website.

Host can login into the website and list their properties with some information and photographs. Also they can fix pricing for their properties.

Guest can login and book any places they want to rent by “property search function” in the website. Guest can make a payment for the place he would like to rent through the website.

That amount will goes to Admin. A percentage of amount for using this platform will be taken from admin and the remaining will be sent out to host.

This is what the workflow of space rental (hyraspace) script.

Features of Hyraspace:

Hyraspace is designed with latest technologies and design that will give good user experience to its users. I am listing some of the core features below,

1. Social Media and Google signup and login to list and book their spaces.

2. User friendly listing creation to list spaces.

3. Advanced Search Filter used to pick exact space in all over the location.

4. Detailed space information with images that help people to choose spaces from handy devices.

5. Multiple day and hourly booking for convenient space booking.

6. Wishlist helps to save favourite spaces.

7. icalendar synchronisation for centric calendar

These are the core features why you need to choose hyraspace instead of other software. Make your order now with cron24 and be popular along with your website.

Hope you understand how space renting business is so popular in the online market.