Why choose Hyraspace for space rental script


When you planned to start online space rental business, Hyraspace is the best choice to start with. 

Actually lot many rental businesses are there in the market. Space rental business is recently getting fire up as an income generating rental business. Very less people have started with this business and getting high profit. So its very much perfect time to start to become successful Entrepreneur.

 Hyraspace is the Best online space rental script that has all the major features and designed with awful responsive. 

How it Works:

Hyraspace is designed with three user login model. 

  1. Guest (User who book spaces)
  2. Host (User who list their spaces)
  3. Admin (User who is the owner or manager of the entire website)

So the thing starts with Admin User. He/She will buy the Hyraspace script from cron24 and setup the site and launch it in the global internet. Host will list their spaces inside the website. Then Guest will come and book those spaces. For each booking Host will get rent amount and the Admin will get commission for that booking from Host as well as Guest. This is the circle of Hyraspace process.

How special is Hyraspace for Space rental:

Whenever you think to buy any product, surely 2 things will comes into your mind.

  1. Quality
  2. Price

Hyraspace is fully designed to satisfy its buyers with cheapest price in the market and give super experience to the users with its high quality features and designs. Let me share its other major features, so that you can easily understand how best hyraspace is,

Advanced Search Filter:

search filters giving users to choose their space that exactly suits for them.

Hourly Booking:

Hourly booking is key feature that will give income for each hour. So there is possibility to get revenue at all the 24 hours a day

Ical Synchronisation:

Centralized calendar can avoid duplicate bookings, and have the booking calendar centrally updated.

Multi Login/signup system:

Social media login/signup will give users more comfort to easy login or signup.

Booking option:

Instant booking allows the user to book the space instantly without any pre confirmation from the Host.

pre-accept booking host can check the availability of the space and do a pre conformation to the booking

Detailed Dashboard:

Detailed single shot Admin dashboard will provide more information based on categorized report. MultiAdmin is an added advantage to manage the site with various roles and permissions

Pricing Rules:

Host can set various type of pricing rules based on weekend and normal days. This will get some extra income on the peak hours.

Space Rules:

Host can set some rules to the users, like no smoking, no dancing, Not allowed for pets like..

Multi Currency and Language:

When we launch our website in public, it is super necessity to have multiple languages and currency system that apt for all over the people

Above mentioned are the key things that holds up the Hyraspace in the top from the others. Also we are giving lot many startup offers.

Start today with Hyraspace to become successful Businessman today

Try live demo at hyraspace.cron24.com