What is Source Repository and how to choose a better one for your project

What is Source Repository and how to choose a better one for your project

Source Repository:

A source repository can also be called as source-code repository is a file and folder archive facility for source code of software projects, documentation, web pages, and other development works.

You can create and access these repositories in 2 ways,

1. public repository

2. private repository

Difference between public and private repository:

You can choose while create a new repository either public or private. When you choose public, that repository url and files can be accessed by everyone who has an account in that repository service. 

Meanwhile, when you choose private, it can only accessed by the creator and the users with whom it is shared with. It will be protected with username password.

So if you have closed-source can be accessible in your zone, you can use private to protect.

You can find lot many repository providers in the market such as GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket.. etc..,

Purpose of using Repositories:

Before you choose, you should know the purpose of using these repositories.

Repositories are not just a storage. They are also know as Git Repositories which can be very much useful for the developing team, to build their project together. It will give you a centralized place to manage the source codes that worked and pushed by each developer. 

Because of this centralized system, all the developers can work in a same project at same time, so that the project can be finished fast and reliable.

How you can choose Best for you:

You need to consider some of the features before you choose repositories,

they are,

* Supports Version Control system

* Ability to integrate external third party tools

* CI/CD service integratable for scheduled release.

Above are the key things you should consider before you choose repository.